E drejta për informacion të aksesueshëm
Mesazh për të gjithë politikanët, vendimmarrësit dhe gazetarët: Në botën moderne ku jetojmë, aftësia për të përvetësuar informacionin është thelbësore për të qenë pjesë e shoqërisë.
Not being able to access information as a blind or visually impaired person because it is unavailable is unacceptable.
We want you, who see this, to think more inclusively and take measures that contribute to an accessible and fair society. People’s right to freedom of expression and access to information is covered by Goal 16.10 and Article 21 of the UN Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities.
We have the right to exercise our freedom of speech and opinion, including the freedom to seek, receive and disseminate information and ideas. This must take place on equal terms and through any form of communication that we choose, such as braille, large print or available digital formats.
Would you be able to share the information if you received a letter written in braille from us?
Public actors are obliged to provide us with information in an accessible format without delay and additional costs. It is especially important when it comes to personal and legal matters. Confidentiality must be protected.
Public actors who produce and disseminate information to the public must ensure that the information is accessible. Today, unfortunately, access to information and freedom of expression on equal terms is far from equal.
So please share this video and take action to make information and products accessible to the blind and visually impaired.
For more information, contact the Visually Impaired Riksförbund, a member of the European Blind Union .
This video was made with the support of the Rights, Equality and Citizenship program of the European Union.
The background is blue.