Scholarships and funds
Lars Norrman’s fund
Foreign travel scholarship for the visually impaired
Other grant and scholarship management that previously existed with the Swedish Confederation of the Visually Impaired has moved to Iris Management. Please contact them for the application or for questions regarding grants and the funds below.
Iris Management
Phone: 08-402 15 50, key selection: 2
Web: Digital grant case system at Iris Förvaltning
Sundbergs fond – Scholarship for visually impaired students in Norrbotten county.
Sjöström’s Fund – Education/further education for visually impaired children or young people from Västernorrland County.
Ebba and Tor Jerneman’s fund – For increased educational opportunities for blind young people, with particular attention to music.
Hult’s Memorial Fund – Scholarship is provided to “be visually impaired to aid in study and recreation”.
Retsler’s Fund – The purpose of the fund is “to provide grants in the form of scholarships to individual blind people in training for intellectual work as well as for educational efforts aimed at training new visually impaired people in organizational political work”.
Makarna Myrdal’s fund– Grants are given to needy, especially talented and study-motivated visually impaired young people with the aim of preparing teaching, education, even higher education
Recreation at Almåsa – The foundation’s main purpose is to grant grants to needy visually impaired people in connection with a recreational stay at Almåsa.
Visually Impaired Foundation – The foundation can grant grants to organizations that carry out activities for the visually impaired in areas such as rehabilitation, recreation, guide dog activities, children’s and youth activities, education or the like. Even individuals with visual impairments can receive grants.
Crown Princess Margaret’s Employment Committee for the Visually Impaired, KMA– The purpose of the foundation is, among other things, to provide help to needy visually impaired people in Sweden. These grants can be for, for example, recreation, rehabilitation and aids.
Local SRF Funds [external website]
Can only be applied for by a person living within the city of Stockholm and the municipality of Ekerö
SRF Stockholms stad
Funds not connected to the National Association of the Visually Impaired
Stiftelsen Svenska Kommittén för Rehabilitation [external link]
De blindas book fund (for university students under 30)