
Our networks are not an organizational form along with local associations, districts and industry associations. The networks are a way of working to pursue issues of common interest to members at a national level and therefore have no special status or representation at the decision-making bodies. Area or, for example, a professional group.


In order for a network to be formed, it is required that at least ten voting members show an interest in joining. The network’s members must jointly appoint a convener, who will also be the association’s contact person in the ongoing work. The entire country must be the network’s field of work.

To get SRF mandate

A network must be mandated to be considered an established SRF network. Mandated means that the network’s purpose, goals and possible plan must be approved by the federal board. The network’s goals, purpose and possible plan, as well as the field in which the network intends to work, must not conflict with decisions made by the congress and/or the organizational council.


To the extent that a network carries out advocacy work, the association assists with documentation and advice on the matter.

The Confederation can provide a platform on social media to facilitate communication between the network’s members. The platform must be used in such a way that it benefits the entire network’s operations and is to the benefit of all participating members.

The Confederation also provides a page on the SRF website to the network.

Material produced by the national federation can be used to advantage by the networks to spread SRF’s message. The networks can also request the production of material within their field of work, which can be produced after a special decision has been made.


The networks’ operations require a high degree of self-financing, where the constituent members participate at cost price.

The national confederation has the opportunity to contribute partial funding to a live meeting per year, which is linked to simultaneously promoting the confederation’s message within a network’s field of work.

Dissolution of networks

If a network itself wishes to be disbanded, deviates from its purpose and goals in a way that conflicts with the organization’s adopted/established governing documents, does not show activity for 18 months or does not comply with the association’s wish for contact/dialogue, the association’s board can decide to strip the network of its SRF mandate.

Do you want to know more or apply? Contact us at

The application must consist of the following information:
Date:  Information
Contact information: The
network’s purpose:
The network’s goal/plan:
Request for financial resources: (attach a budget)
The following visually impaired members wish to form the network: (at least 10 people, name and address)
The network’s convening name and contact details: 
Place and date
Signature convener

The federal board will consider the application at its next meeting. A decision notice is then provided to the person who submitted the application.

Active networks

Network for visually impaired entrepreneurs

The network’s purpose is to inspire and strengthen the will of visually impaired people to start and run their own business. Furthermore, to monitor and assert the interests of visually impaired entrepreneurs vis-à-vis authorities/organizations, such as the Employment Agency, Försäkringskassan, A-kassorna and the entrepreneurs’ interest organizations.

Contact person: Björn Carlsson 070-638 45 30
The network is mandated by the federal board 2020-02-07-09

The Visually Impaired Multifunctional Network

The network’s aim is to work with issues related to the visually impaired with additional disabilities, for members to meet and exchange experiences, to work for increased knowledge around the country regarding functional impairment in the eye and brain, to cooperate with other disability organizations on issues related to the visually impaired with additional disabilities .

If you want to contact the network, email:

or contact one of the contact persons:
Maria Liesland, phone 070-551 24 48, e-mail
Linda Mathiasson, e-mail

If you want to know what the group is up to, follow it via the link below on Facebook where the name is: Netverk Sightdamadade Flersfunktionsdatta or go to the website

The network is mandated by the federal board on 2020-05-19

The network for the visually impaired

Since spring 2021, there has been a network for the visually impaired within the National Association of the Visually Impaired. We meet digitally once a month to exchange experiences, discuss important issues and listen to inspiring lectures. Once a year we also meet physically during a weekend.

Low vision refers to people who have some residual vision, but feel limited in some way by their vision. It could be that you have difficulty reading signs, finding new places or needing to use magnification on your computer. There is no limit to who can join the network for the visually impaired. It is your experience of seeing bad that rules.

The network partly has a social purpose, where we want to meet others who can share our experiences and challenges. Here we raise thoughts and considerations that perhaps only the visually impaired can fully understand. We also share smart tricks and solutions in everyday life, so that everyone doesn’t have to invent their own wheel. On the one hand, the network has an aim to influence the National Association of the Visually Impaired internally, so that questions about and the visibility of people with visual impairments are given greater scope in the operations.

A majority of the members of the National Confederation of the Visually Impaired are visually impaired. But among elected officials and spokespersons, the representation of severe visual impairment and blindness is greater. Many people living with visual impairment find themselves in a gray area, where they cannot fully identify with people with severe visual impairment or the term “visually impaired”. But neither do you feel that you belong to the group of fully sighted. The network provides an opportunity to meet others in a similar situation to yourself. The purpose of the network is not to in any way create competition between different member groups within the National Confederation of the Visually Impaired. It is about gathering a group that has not fully found its place in the organization, and creating forums for exchange. But also strengthen the organization’s knowledge and work for the entire range of visual impairments.  

Do you want to join the network?

You are welcome to contact our convener Maria Sjötång on phone number 0702-506255 or e-mail
