To those who have a visual impairment in Sweden

If you are new to Sweden or live for a long time in Sweden, you may sometimes need advice or support or meet other people who have similar news.

The National Association of Visually Impaired People (SRF) is working to make society more accessible. We are a voluntary organization. And we don’t have any connection with any political party or any religion. ومرتكزاتنا عندى هي حقوق هونس.

The National Association of Visually Impaired People can help you with the following:
• Information about the Swedish community
• Advice on who to contact regarding visual aids
• Communicate with someone who improves your vocabulary

وبوصفك عقاباً نقدّم لك عابً:
Meetings with other people who have visual impairments.
Legal aid courses
for children and camps for children .

Within the National Association of Visually Impaired People, there are five specialized associations run by people from the migrant background. Read more on the website:, or send electronic mail to the following addresses:

Telephone number: 00 90 39-08, email address:
نرّب بك عملاً في النوتيانة للمساعبين بالثوسرية!
